Vote Connor Coddington for SBP
My Leadership Makes Me a Qualified Candidate Because
  • Most Senior SGA officer
  • Proposed four constitutional amendments that have been passed by the Senate
  • Drafted two resolutions to embody the voice of the student body Senate
  • I strive to be available to help my colleagues while also making sure I delegate work
  • Have met with every RSO twice while serving as ABC chair
  • I am the only current SGA officer who has:
    • Proposed a Constitutional amendment
    • Drafted a Resolution
    • Served in the Judicial and Legislative branch
  • During my time at Florida Poly, I have been:
    • Associate Justice
    • Judicial Treasurer
    • Sophomore Representative
    • Audit and Budget Committee Chair
    • Junior Representative
    • Senate President
    • Member of every standing committee of the Senate
    • Orientation Leader
    • Residential Life Desk assistant
    • Treasurer of the Themed Entertainment Association