Vote Connor Coddington for SBP
My Leadership Makes Me a Qualified Candidate Because

    Throughout my years at Florida Poly, I have done numerous things to contribute to the students. During my Freshman year, I worked with the Judicial Branch as an associate justice to write the Judicial Branch Handbook. During my Sophomore year, I took the role of the Audit and Budget Committee (ABC) chairperson and made many structural changes. Firstly, I rebuilt the way we audit RSOs and other SGA entities. The new system was more measurable while still giving us a chance for us to see everyone face to face. For the first time, all SGA assets were tracked to help us better understand where our resources were being spent and where new allocations should go. RSO initiatives were conceived to give organizations still adequate funding while having less revenue.

    Lastly, I worked with ABC to create policies regarding Travel and RSO initiatives. My Sophomore year also focused on working with the leadership of SGA to create our statutes and amend the student body constitution. I proposed three amendments, of which two were drafted into law. This past year, I was elected as Junior Representative and became the Senate President. A significant amount of time has been spent on passing the ordinances that we drafted last year. I worked with different members of the University to make sure the regulations complied with University policies and Florida Law. Following the proposed merger, I drafted a resolution for the student body senate, stating our opposition. In February, I traveled to Tallahassee to represent our position against the proposed bill. We had face-to-face meetings with legislators, delivering copies of the resolution passed by the Senate. I initiated two constitutional amendments that will be on the ballot this year. If I see a need in the student body and I believe SGA can take action, I will do all I can to push it forward.